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Colour as Guideline in Fra Angelico's Work

Journal article
Mecthilde Airiau. Colour as Guideline in Fra Angelico's Work. Caiana, 2024, 23, pp.61-74. ⟨hal-04400710⟩
This article aims to show how Fra Angelico uses colour as a tool to build his paintings through various manners: in his artworks, it organizes the space and leads the eye towards the most important part of the image, thus increasing the ability of the painting to act as a preaching tool. This use of colour is to connect to rhetorical practices such as the ars memoriae. This article will be based on three examples of Fra Angelico's work: the Armadio degli Argenti, the Louvre Coronation of the Virgin and the Uffizi Coronation of the Virgin.
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