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Università La Sapienza


Titre de la thèse : La cathédrale de S. Maria Assunta à Cosenza et la culture artistique du sud de l’Italie médiévale, entre tradition locale et influences françaises  soutenue le 12 juillet 2023 à Rome sous la direction de Dany Sandron et d'Alessandro VISCOGLIOSI (professeur, Sapienza – Università di Roma)


Ph.D. in History of architecture: Architecture “Sapienza” University, “Sorbonne” University - Roma, Paris From 15/10/2019, admission with scholarship, in progress.

License to practice as an architect: Mediterranea University - Reggio Calabria, 08/2019

Master’s degree in ingegneria edile-architettura: (Architecture -Engineering) Sapienza University Rome, 03/2019 Final grade:110/110


2021-2022 Consultant architect for the Cosenza’s Cathedral projects for the 800th anniversary of the consecration. 

11/2019 - 06/2020 Architect Senato della Repubblica (house of parliament). Internship at the technical and Real Estate Services, Italian Senate Rome .


20/05/2021 Honourable mention “international Domus Restoration and Conservation Award”

19/10/2020 Excellent graduate, Sapienza University, 2018/2019.

13/13/2013 “Excellence of Calabria” prize with the accession of the President of Italian Republic.

03/05/2012 National second place at “Heritage Olympics” Directorate General for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage - Service II; Association of Art History Teachers.

17/04/2010 “XV Certamen Taciteum”, Diploma of honour Classical High School “G. C: Tacitus “, Terni Piccolo Certamen section.